Impromptu Speech
Impromptu Speech Section 1. The impromptu speech is an original interpretation by the speaker of the desgnated topic as supported by varied materials and gives the contestant the opportunity to be creative and imaginative. Topics: Impromptu topics will include proverbs, abstract words, events, quotations and famous people. Section 2. Drawing: Five (5) minutes before the round is to begin, the first speaker shall draw three topics, choose one, and return the other two. The other contestants shall draw in a like manner, in the order of speaking, at intervals of six (6) minutes. The same list of topics shall be used for the drawing by each section. A different subject area will be used for each round. Section 3. Preparation: As soon as a topic is chosen, the contestant shall withdraw and prepare a speech without consultation and without references to prepared notes. Students may consult published books, magazines, newspapers, journals or articles there from, provided: a. They are originals or photocopies of originals. b. That original article or copy is intact and uncut. c. There is no written material on original or copy. d. Topical index without annotation is allowed. No other material shall be allowed in the impromptu prep room other than the stated above. Speeches, handbooks, briefs, and outlines shall be barred from the prep room. Underlining or highlighting in materials will be allowed if done in one color on each article or copy. No electronic retrieval device may be utilized, but printed materials from “online” computer services may be utilized. Section 4. Prep Time: Preparation time, including draw, will amount to five (5) minutes for each competitor per round. Section 5. Recuse: A student may not leave the impromptu prep room without permission of the proctor. Section 6. Notes: No notes shall be used during the presentation. Section 7. Time: There is NO minimum qualifying time, but the contestant must cover the subject adequately. The impromptu speech shall be no longer than five (5) minutes. |